Child Support Guidelines and Support Obligations

In Maryland Child Support Guidelines are determined by the income of the parents, number of children, and ordinary and extraordinary medical and daycare expenses. Child Support guidelines are governed by title 12 of the family law article. In order to accurately determine a parent’s child support obligation, the court requires that each party file a short financial form if joint income is below $15,000.00 and a long financial form if the parties combined income is over $15,000.00. Both the long and short financial forms are available on the Maryland Court website under family law forms. The Maryland family law article section 12-204 gives guidelines of combined actual income of the parents and the obligation.

There are new child support rules that place a limitation of actual support of approximately $2,800.00 per month based on a combined income of $15,000.00.

If the parents share custody of the child or children, the child support obligation is divided based on the parents in proportion of their respective gross incomes. Shared custody exists if one parent has at least 92 (25%) of overnights with the child or children. The court’s main objective in awarding child support is to ensure that the child has the same lifestyle that was experienced while both parents were living together as a family unit.

For purposes of calculating child support, the court will use the income from all sources including disability income, unemployment, bonuses, lottery winnings, retirement, pensions and severance pay.

The use of child support guidelines by the court are mandatory however, there are certain circumstances in which the court may rebutted.

  1. 1. By showing that the amount of child support in the guidelines would be unjust or inappropriate.
  2. An example of an unjust circumstance would be a marital separation agreement that addresses monetary awards or payment of college education for adult children.
  3. The presence of other children in the household who the obligor owes a duty to support. or
  4. The obligor’s ordered child support would leave the Obligor with actual income below 110% of the federal poverty level.
  5. The parties have entered into an agreement relating to the payor’s child support obligation.
  6. Additional circumstances which require a deviation from the presumptive child support guidelines.

Additional Resources relating to Child Support are as follows:



If you are involved in a family law matter in which child support is at issue. The Law Office of Lynndolyn Mitchell is exceptionally qualified to represent you in your matter.

The Law Office of Lynndolyn Mitchell provides exceptional, professional and proven experience.

Lynndolyn Mitchell

Lynndolyn T. Mitchell has practiced law for over 30 years. Ms. Mitchell began her career as a licensed attorney in Orange County, California focusing on juvenile law. Lynndolyn Mitchell currently represents clients in contested child custody, complex divorces with complex property issues, uncontested divorces. She has represented clients in protective order hearings, traffic and misdemeanor criminal cases in Maryland, DC. and Virginia Ms. Mitchell comes from a military family and has acquired accreditation to represent military veterans in claims before the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Ms. Mitchell is licensed to practice law in four jurisdictions including MD, VA and DC. She is currently inactive in California. The Law Office of Lynndolyn Mitchell Represents clients from all cultural, economic and social backgrounds. Lynndolyn Mitchell has been a presenter for the National Business Institute the (NBI) on the topics of Family Law in Virginia and Maryland and Education Law in Maryland. Ms. Mitchell was also a member of The Trial Courts Judicial Nominating Commission for District 11- Montgomery County, Maryland. (1999-2023). Ms. Mitchell is active with the J Franklyn Bourne Bar Association and is currently on the Executive Board (2021-2023), The Maryland State Bar (2006-Present. Ms. Mitchell is also an active member Montgomery County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc.

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Suite 100

Rockville MD, 20850

Office: 301-340-2541
Fax: 240-238-7061


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